This type extends for miles along river but is probably quite narrow. Valley floor is primarily agricultural and becomes more so down stream, and less upstream where landscape becomes more forested.;Floodplain forest along wadable, cobble bottom river. There is a row of large sycamores on the river edge of community but dominance by smaller trees just back from bank. Undulating fluvial microtopography with small piles of flotsam upstream of tree trunks. Lush herb layer dominated by Packera aurea. Community is conspicuous from road in spring when buckeye leafs out long before sycamore.
Narrow strip of floodplain forest between road and river. Chosen for access. Seems to be same community type as DNR Valley Bend wetland riverside, and same across river. Unique spring signature.
Plot was revisited on 09/20/2005 some new species were foun